RCE Timeline
Since RCE started in 2018, we've been busy developing the technology that we so strongly believe in. The timeline below presents some of the highlights over the last 6 years, and some of the upcoming things in the near future (at least some of the ones we can share publicly!).
Fourth Patent issued
First commercial LOI secured
ML Models for Heart Attack diagnositics completes
ED pilot validation completed at UCSD
Pre-hospital pilot in Resuscitated Cardiac Arrest Patients completed at University of Washington, presented at American College of Emergency Physicians 2024
Second and Third patents issued by the USPTO
600 patients multi-site clinical across 10 hospitals completed
Multi-site trial findings presented at American College of Cardiology - Late Breaking Clinical Trials, published in European Heart Journal
Multi-site clinical study in 840 patients conducted across 10 hospitals
Proteomics and advanced biochemical analysis of pre-clinical blood samples completed
Completed Cedars Sinai accelerator program
First-in-human continuous monitoring in patients undergoing cath procedures completed at Cedars Sinai
RCE Wins the 2023 American Heart Association Health Technology Award
First RCE patent issued by USPTO
Multisite study in 238 patients across 5 hospitals
Version 3 of infrared wearable developed
Infrasensor device developed
Initial version of Machine Learning algorithms for heart attack diagnostics are developed
Optical technology integration and continuous trending patents are filed
Poster presented at American Heart Association conference
Second pilot study is completed at UCSF
Translation Research paper is published in Nature-Communications Medicine
First ever continuous trending data investigated in pre-clinical pilot study
RCE begins first round of funding, among COVID slowdown challenges
Completed TMCx (Texas Medical Center) accelerator program
Version 2 of the infrared wearable is developed
First version of our non-invasive infrared wearable is developed and tested in initial pilot study
Biomarker quantification and disease phenotyping patents are filed
RCE technologies is incorporated
Wet Lab studies are completed
Optical technology patents are filed
RCE begins first round of funding, among COVID slowdown challenges
Completed TMCx (Texas Medical Center) accelerator program
Version 2 of the infrared wearable is developed
First version of our non-invasive infrared wearable is developed and tested in initial pilot study
Biomarker quantification and disease phenotyping patents are filed
RCE technologies is incorporated
Wet Lab studies are completed
Optical technology patents are filed
Second pilot study is completed at UCSF
Translation Research paper is published in Nature-Communications Medicine
First ever continuous trending data investigated in pre-clinical pilot study
Pre-hospital pilot in Resuscitated Cardiac Arrest Patients completed at University of Washington, presented at American College of Emergency Physicians 2024
Second and Third patents issued by the USPTO
600 patients multi-site clinical across 10 hospitals completed
Fourth Patent issued
First commercial LOI secured
ML Models for Heart Attack diagnositics completes
ED pilot validation completed at UCSD
First RCE patent issued by USPTO
Multisite study in 238 patients across 5 hospitals
Version 3 of infrared wearable developed
Infrasensor device developed
Initial version of Machine Learning algorithms for heart attack diagnostics are developed
Optical technology integration and continuous trending patents are filed
Poster presented at American Heart Association conference
Multi-site trial findings presented at American College of Cardiology - Late Breaking Clinical Trials, published in European Heart Journal
Multi-site clinical study in 840 patients conducted across 10 hospitals
Proteomics and advanced biochemical analysis of pre-clinical blood samples completed
Completed Cedars Sinai accelerator program
First-in-human continuous monitoring in patients undergoing cath procedures completed at Cedars Sinai
RCE Wins the 2023 American Heart Association Health Technology Award
In 2025 we will launch a FDA pivotal trial for Emergency Departments, as well as Licensing and Pharmaceutical collaboration.
For 2026, we are planning the Market Launch for Emergency Departments and generation of evidence for Integrated Urgent Care and Ambulance Services.